I.Love.Fall. <3
There's no doubt about it, there's something about this time of year and the football weather that seems to get me stirred up. The change in weather seems to wake me up somehow and remind me that I have goals in life...that I have dreams, desires...and I take them seriously. Why I don't the rest of the year I'll never know *grin* but at least during fall I feel as if I can really get started on all the things I've said I was going to do but never did.
But Tennessee in the fall is the bane of my existence. Constant headaches, sinus drainage, exhaustion...it never seems to end. The nauseousness from the drainage is what makes it worse. I always feel sick after eating...makes me never want to eat again, but I like food too much *smirk*.
Ah, but I am losing weight. Without being bored at home, I don't have the opportunity to stuff my face 24/7 out of boredom or emotional turmoil, depending on the time of day *grin*.
Wow, it has been a while since I've written, eh? I blame it on the never ending thesis...
But I've got to get to bed. Yes, relatively short post, but enough to help me remember that I do have a blog and I do enjoy writing it :D. So g'nite for now, and I'll see you soon!