Holy cow, has it really been that long since I last posted?! Wow time flies...
I am all about summer. I'm completely ready to end this school year and start fresh with more organization and better planning. The year has gone well so far I supposed, but there are so many things that have happened this year that I simply never want to have happen again. And that's what is great about teaching. You get the opportunity to start all over again the next year and improve. If only I can stay in one place long enough to get some years under my belt enough to get a good routine down.
And, we are exactly one week away from opening night with the musical, and I might literally lose my mind...
Oh, but I had one of those "pre-summer" moments coming home from MCHS tonight. It was fairly warm, I had the window down, and I was blaring the Beatles. And for that brief moment on the 45 minute drive home from work, everything felt right in the world. For one brief moment, every wad of cash I dole out for the show and every moment that I'm working myself into the ground to see the kids come together with an amazing show made all the madness worth it...for one brief moment, I actually LIKED the chaos.
I'm not sure what I was thinking, but the moment has passed. I'm exhausted but wired at the same time and can't exactly sleep (the whining puppy in the background with separation anxiety isn't helping either...). Tomorrow is prom, and most of my students will be leaving around 11:30 am. I'm going to be making final preparations so that Monday can go smoothly without a hitch. We didn't finish the show tonight, but we were fixing some final blocking and Angela and I were having a hard time going through some of the songs *ack*. It will be last minute but it will happen.
I've got mixed emotions tonight...and as I read certain things and think back over the past, I realize I am still harboring bitterness in my heart...at who? I'm not sure...God? Maybe...people who I feel never noticed me or my full potential? Maybe...then I have to face the embarrassing possibility that maybe...juuuust maybe I'm not as good as I think I am. Maybe I'm simply mediocre.
And the wedding *blink* *blink* - so much to do...it's approaching at a pscycho speed, and before you know it, I'm going to be hitched. But that's another conversation for another post...I'm suddenly feeling a bit tired. Could it be I can finally get to sleep??
Let's see, shall we? :D