Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dawn of a New Blog

Hola everybody - welcome to the site of my new blog. I have another, but it's material I wrote over the past few years and I'm feeling like a new blog is in order. Hopefully I'll be updating it regularly, so please feel free to subscribe to keep updated with the things going on in my life. Sometimes it's hard to let everyone know what is going on...and this way just tends to be easier.

In a lot of ways, this is truly a new era for me. As John Mayer's song, "Stop this Train" runs through my mind, the line "I'm just one step away from finding life out on my own" takes on new meaning. With my Dad now living in our eternal home, it seems this world has taken on a whole new view to me. It's amazing how one event can redefine your whole life.

Anyway, I just wanted to get something up on the page to get started with. If you're a friend and you have a blog, let me know and I'll link you up on my page - I'm a huge blogger fan...so be sure to check back often...my life is such a rollercoaster I'm sure someone else will want to take the ride with me :).

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